Welcome to the monticello school district!

ALL students are required to register, whether they plan to use the school bus or not.  We require transportation registration for a multitude of reasons, including the following:

Most students will use the bus this year for field trip, and all riders must be registered. We use information about where students live to predict and respond to growth in the community. Our routing software allows us to generate and report information about population that is important to the school district when planning boundary modifications and future routing.

Please complete each line of requested information.
Each student is allowed 1 pick up and 1 drop off location only. This applies for all students.

​Changes may take up to 3 days to complete! This form should NOT be used to make changes to your student(s) that is already registered for transportation.

New Student Registration

119 Oakwood Drive EastMonticelloMN 55362, USA

Hoglund transportation

+1.7632953604     Jami@hoglundtransportation.com